4th of July Paper Medallion Tutorial is Ready!!

Whim & Fancy Designs™
4 th Of July
Paper Star Medallion©2011
A 30 page step by step tutorial on how to
create a Paper Star Medallion

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Quick & Easy!
This tutorial is F*A*B*U*L*O*U*S!!!
Imagine all the possibilities and you still have plenty of time to make these beauties for 4th of July!!
Designed and Created by Ann-Denise Anderson
Happy 4th of July Everyone and enjoy
making these Paper Star Medallions in
the comfort of your own home and at your


Thank you sweetie! I love your tutorials. Will love learning how to make these beauties.
Jan Thomason said…
Hi! Remember me??
you're Sister's Godmother.
Hmmmm, perhaps I should tape a picture of you up near his feeding bowl and one on my mirror.......................you are entirely too busy to keep up with your friends - the ones that aren't under your nose:)

Miss you - just wanted to drop by and tell you that that coffee filter dress is ah-mazing!! Love it!

Love you! Jan
Hi. I found your blog through Karla's blog. Looking at this 4th of July medallion reminds me of the Ex Voto medallion that was going to be taught at Silver Bella this year. Was that from you? I thought it was lovely and suggested to Teresa that it would make a good tutorial since the convention was cancelled. I never heard back from her. Charlotte

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