What Hat Shall I Wear Today?

I have been preparing early for Halloween this year! Decorations will go up on the 1st of October and costumes will be decided on! Open house will be bigger and better and more Grandeur than last years! Oh yes...! I open up the house for everyone to come through look at all the decor and fill their tummies up with tons and tons of delectable treats! Don't forget we will be partying all month long beginning with my bon vivant friend Vanessa Valencia of A Fanciful Twist! So find your most ghastly party hats and let the fun begin! By the way, my hats above can be found at my Etsy Shop!
So Get crackin' and and find your Halloween Spirit!
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Anonymous said…
What an Amazing Place..! I have only been here a few minutes..
Love it love it!
jen said…
So glad I found your blog!!!

Cindy said…
Fabulous! Hats on skulls are wonderful! :D

yapping cat
oh my Gosh! YOur hats are amazing there girl fren!!!!

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