Luau Part Deux......Translation Speed Decorating!

I want to begin by saying that I had help from a couple of very special people! I would love to have shown their pics but I didn't get the okay from mom and dad but she was a true help and blessing! I also want to say my husband was a tremendous help and is on his way to becoming a true crepe paper artist! I love you Michael and Thank you!

These are a true Whim & Fancy Creation! Introducing my hula tiki torches! They were a big hit!

This is King Ooga Booga! He made a super prop for all the kids to have their pictures taken with!

Let's not forget his buddy King Lotsa Crepe!

All of the hula torches seemed like a procession straight from Fantasia!

Back View!

All in all it was a true pleasure to be able to do this event for my daughter! I really wish I had more than two hours that were allotted and a very tall ladder to have reached the skies above! The biggest challenge was time and the accessibility to the higher ups of the gym but I think the props came out magnificent and they were so well received! Thanks to everyone who helped, all my children, my husband, my friends encouragement and God for giving me extra time on the clock because truly I have no idea how we finished in time!LOL
Congrats to Nance Elementary Graduating Class of 2009
It was a pleasure to have decorated for you!
Mommy loves you Miranda!


Lisa Kettell said…
King Ooga Booga and King Lobsta, you are insane! OMG, are you serious missy, these are the TIKKI PEOPLE, MY goodness are are truly, absolutely, positively the QUEEN of CREPE and your kingdom: Magical Crepeland, I want to visit....


Unknown said…
Awesome job!!
Gyms are very difficult to decorate, because they swallow everything up with their space, but you did an amazing job!!! I love it, I have a total new appreciation for crepe paper now that I've met you! lol
Congrats to your daughter and her class of 2009!!!
PS. Can't wait for my very own crepe!
Carolyn said…
You did such a beautiful job! Your daughter is going to have such wonderful memories of this!
Gina M Smith said…
Good grief! That was a big assignment. Looks great!
Anonymous said…
Wow! Wow! Wow! What an undertaking Denise and you did it in the most fantabulous way.! I have missed seeing you. It's just not right that there is just not enough time in the day to do all I want to accomplish including visiting my wonderful blogging friends. Have a wonderful day! xo Lynn
Cindy said…
All truly a labor of love! And you did an amazing job! I know your daughter was thrilled and very proud of you! :D

yapping cat
LaVerne said…
You get a nomination for Mom of the Year...I've decorated a gym/cafeteria or two over the years and your accomplishment as a short order decorator is nothing short of amazing...Your daughter will have a memory to last a life time. Congratulations on a job well done.
Stacy/Creativemuse said…
Wow Suger Plum Fairey! WHat tremendous magic you created! HOw blessed you are for I know the helping hands of family and friends are truely Blessed when we take on huge projects.
Love love love it all so Fabulous!
You all did a great job and Mom's Creativity is a huge part of keeping her crazy and sane at the same time.

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