Sweet Valentine Spun Cotton Doll Workshop
My Sweet Valentine
Spun Cotton Doll Workshop
Saturday, January 26th
11:00- 2:30 ish
$55 pp
9303 N. Pennsylvania Pl.
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
(405) 848-2389
Call Cindy to reserve your seat!
All Supplies included
Bring basic craft tools
If you can't make it to that workshop
at Paper Crown
Come see me in Cleburne, Texas at
The Dena Bartlett Studios
Saturday, February 2nd
11:00-2:30 ish
1800 Melissa Lane
Cleburne, TX 76031
Call Dena to reserve your seat!
Make you reservation on Facebook for Cleburne Workshop!
Two great opportunities to take this fabulous Valentine Workshop!
Don't miss it and bring a friend!!