Maker Faire Austin 2007

Greetings to everyone and the following are some pictures taken at the Maker Faire Austin Texas 2007. Weather was great and the staff at Maker Faire was incredible! My hats off to them for making us feel all so welcome and their helpfulness was temendous. I learned a couple of things at the exhibit. My work was very and I mean very environmentally sensitive but as I have stated many times before Crepe Paper is very durable and held up quite well! I was up against the wind....Dust...high humidity...and the moisture that crept into my costumes slowly dried by high noon and they still stood strong and showed very well! Thank you to all who came out and I encourage all interested to go out and get a copy of Make or Craft Magazine, There are some very brilliant and truly creative people published in these publications. Hopefully they will inspire you to make and craft as well! Maker Faire Austin 2007 was awesome, I hope to see more Texans at the Maker Faire next year!


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